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Bishop Benson A. Idahosa & President Muhammadu Buhari |
This is a timely message prepared by the Archbishop Benson. A. Idahosa 27 years ago to Nigerians.
The federal Government of Nigeria recently launched National Re-orientation Campaign in the capital, Abuja tagged #ChangeBeginsWithMe.
In his speech, president Buhari called on all to summon a new spirit of responsibility, spirit of service, of patriotism and sacrifice, ''Let us all resolve to pitch in and work hard and look after, not only ourselves but one another''.
In the spirit of rising up and building a new nation, we went back to 27 years ago to remind ourselves with the message of archbishop Benson Idahosa ( popularly called, papa). As the president said in his speech that ''rather than sit back and complain endlessly, we have decided to act pragmatically'', with the below message of the man of God to Nigerians.
We have come a long way
We have come a long way
We have blamed ourselves enough
We complained enough, we cried enough, we fought ourselves enough, we hated ourselves enough, it is time to do what the Bible says.
In the book of Nehemiah 2:8, the prophet Nehemiah cried to the people of his days:
Then I told them about how the gracious hand of God had been on me, and about my conversation with the king. They replied at once, "Yes, let's rebuild the wall!" So they began the good work.
It has come to a time when I told God that I will not be one of the complainers but the part of solution. Now am calling on all Nigerians here today and wherever the sound of my voice may be heard.
It is time for us to do what prophet Nehemiah is saying here 'come together as a people, to build a new virile nation'.
I never forget one stanza in our national anthem, where the composer said ‘a nation where no man is oppressed’. If we all want to look at ugly side of Nigeria, we will find nothing good at it.
I do not know any other country in Africa that is as big as ours, that is as populated and so much blessed with natural resources, blessed with natural gift of God.
We have oil of different kinds, so many oil producing nations have one kind of oil but Nigeria has three kinds of oil; one for the Father, one for the Son, and one for the Holy Ghost.
Prophet Nehemiah lived in the day where robbery, stealing, lying, killing was also the issue of the day, but he was gracious enough to look round and said, God am I going to be one of those, who will continue to say what is bad in this nation or am I going to be used as an instrument to build a new nation.
He made his choice, every Nigerians present here today in any field, in any capacity or position, have right to choose either to become a rebuilder, a repairer, a man or woman that chooses while we live, Nigeria must not be destroy.

We can make that determination whether you are in the police, whether you are in the army, particularly those of you God has given grace to be in a position of rulership: in the judiciary, in the army, in the air force, in the navy, civilian, the church leaders- we whom God has given grace to occupy the pulpit to talk to millions of people everyday and week, have the right to call the nation to new attention.
Nigeria is rotten enough and she needs a healer, and God is able to heal Nigeria.
Nigerians come, let’s build a new nation. In any field you find yourself, contribute to the wellbeing of our country.
Look around you, see what you can do for Nigeria, see
what Nigeria can do through you, see what Nigeria will do with you, and see
what you can allow God to use you for.
I belief if we all determine, we will see the birth of a new nation. Wherein all of us at home and abroad shall be proud that we belong to a country as blessed naturally, as blessed spiritually, as blessed socially, as blessed numerically, as blessed in all things.
I am not ashamed to identify myself with my country. Nigeria is my home, anywhere I go in the world, in eighty one countries in the five major continent, I boast of the flag of my country.
I told them am from Africa, not just from Africa but from the giant of Africa, we can build a new nation.
Let’s not be ashamed of our country, let’s come together, belief God together, build a new nation together as Nehemiah said, straighten your hands, laid hold to your weapons use to fight ills and things that are bad in our society.
I will say to every Nigerians, everyone here in authority this morning, if you tried all you know scientifically, politically, governmentally, socially, traditionally and it has not worked. There is one thing that will work, ‘A CALL TO PRAYER’. If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves to pray, God in heaven shall answer their prayers
I call on all of us today, let’s revisit our nation as a country, let’s not shun the progressive people, let’s not say to those in authority, you came there by foul means.
I once shouted this but I’ve discovered that I will never be a politician nor in the army, is too late now, no man will recruit me now in the army and no politician will trust me not to use my Bible for my daily activities, so I’ve failed on both side.
However, am calling on all of you in authority not to give up in the effort you are making for building a new nation.
Nigeria needs you, Nigeria needs me, when we discovered ills in our neighborhood, when we find sinners living near us, let’s find a way to get them out of sin and bring them to a state of righteousness.
Nehemiah said, haven’t you see that the nation lies in waste? Every time I hear people talk of hunger in Nigeria, I just say is a useless thing to say, we have the most naturally manure land, God gave us good land for farming, even though am a preacher of the gospel, I belief in farming.
Hardship in the nation |
Am calling on all Nigerians to use what is available
to build a new nation.
We have tried first year it didn’t work, we are now in second year, the third year may not even work, but I know one thing that will work, PRAYER will work, joint effort will work. Let’s not allow our nation to be wasted.
My call to every Nigerian today is come, let’s build a new nation. With God all things are possible.

I belief that if you and I will pray and work hard, a new nation will emerge, those who laugh at us before, will hear of us again and shout alleluyah the Lord reignet .
I belief that a new nation is about to emerge.
I do not belief that two plus two will make it, I do not belief that promises that are not fulfilled can do it, but I believe that God’s people can build a new nation.
I call on you today, your royal highness, Mr governor, the police officers, the army, the politicians, it is time to rise and build a new nation.
Let’s strengthen our hands and build a new nation.
Edited by E.A Olatoye
Come, Let's Build A New Nation
Reviewed by E.A Olatoye
September 19, 2016

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