What are the top 5 Habits of a Good Plan?

Then Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head. 39 David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them.

“I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” So he took them off. 
Isaiah 17:38-39

Most people stick to a plan made with less awareness, or worse, made for them by someone else. This is what happened to David when King Saul made him wear his battle clothe, but David quickly realized he cannot succeed in his quest if he use King saul weapons. He abandoned them and use his own sure weapon.

The rigid approach leaves people frustrated and stagnant. So, what is the problem? It is lack of adaptability. David succeeded because he is adaptable and knew when to change the plan and not yourself.
It’s okay to change your plan as you go.

Think of it like walking through a dark forest with a flashlight—you can only see a few steps ahead. Trust yourself to adapt and adjust.
The journey is dynamic, and flexibility is your strength. So, be flexible and not rigid in whatever you are doing.

Below are Top 5 Habits to Find Your Plan:

(1) Do Regular Self-Check-ins
Slow down. Take time to reflect on your progress. Is your current plan still right for you? If not make needed Adjustment.

(2) Create a “Stop-Doing List”
Be ruthless with your lesser self. Identify and eliminate activities or habits that don’t serve your goals. Do away with those little foxes that spoil the vine. Song of Songs 2:15

(3) Experiment with Micro-Changes
Nothing changes if nothing change. Try small changes in your routine or approach. David have been making small changes, planning and preparing himself, and opportunity met his readiness and preparation. These minor tweaks can provide valuable insights.

(4) Embrace a Beginner’s Mindset
The moment you feel like you know it all is the start of the end. Stay curious and open, ready to learn and adapt. Though David could not use what King Saul provided for him but, he accepted it and tried it out before he figure it out it is useless for him. He was not too proud of his former achievements but used it as a stepping stone for higher plan.

(5) Use Feedback
You need feedback to progress. Find valuable feedback in people’s criticism and your own emotions: use it to guide your next steps. Every good literature Poem or story goes through what we called Critique session to remove, or to add whatever that is needed for best outcome when it is finally published.

Be flexible, Be Adaptable and Grow. The journey is yours to shape.
Make that plan now and do not give up on your plan. 

May the Lord God make your plans a successful one.
Remain focus.

E.A Olatoye

Credit: @mastersboost

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What are the top 5 Habits of a Good Plan? What are the top 5 Habits of a Good Plan? Reviewed by E.A Olatoye on August 17, 2024 Rating: 5


  1. This is quite inspiring.
    More grace to you, sir!

  2. Inspirational, the”walking through a dark forest with a flash light” is synonymous to trusting God you don’t need to see the entire view just keep trusting him by doing your part(walking and holding the flashlight) while he leads…


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